Cerebral Palsy Therapy
If yourself or a family member or friend have Cerebral Palsy and have reduced joint movement, strength or difficulty with mobility at home and in the community you may benefit from the use of our hybrid assistive limb exoskeletons here at RoboFit.
Cyberdyne’s devices (Hybrid Assistive Limb (HAL)) are neuro controlled exoskeleton. Meaning we attach electrodes to muscle groups to detect electrical signals from the brain. This is done to build connection and feedback to improve functional mobility and the gait cycle.
At RoboFit our team are all about how your therapy converts to meaningful change. When you work with one of our therapists, you can expect specialised care with a client centred approach. This also includes access to leading and innovative therapy to reach your goals.
HAL focuses on working with the wearer to try and improve strength, mobility, and reduce muscle spasticity. The HAL exoskeleton uses sensory feedback to the muscles in a natural way, allowing you to exercise in ways you never thought possible.
Experience the advantages of RoboFit for yourself, use the form below to learn more about our comprehensive suitability assessment including two sessions in the HAL suit. Discuss with our team on how you can use your NDIS funding to book in your suitability package.
Contact the team now to schedule a trial.
Explore what’s possible
Our specialist therapists are qualified in the use of of upper and lower limb exoskeletons.
They will work with you to develop a plan to help you reach your goals supporting a greater independence and quality of life.
1. We begin with a initial assessment. During the physical assessment we will consider your GMFCS (Gross Motor Function Classification System), impact of contracture or spasticity, evaluate gait parameters; walking speed, stride length and cadence, as well as assessing your functional capabilities.
2. Determine if assistive technology like the lower limb exoskeleton can assist you to reach your goals.
3. If we think the devices can help you reach your goals we will do 2 HAL trials.
4. If general goal based therapy with one of our exercise physiologists or physiologists is the best next step our team will work with you from a general strength and conditioning approach.
5. We will develop an individualised therapy program that works in with your funding package e.g. NDIS package
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Exercise Physiology
Building on a foundation of traditional exercise physiology, our certified therapists harness the power of HAL to help people living with Cerebral Palsy achieve their goals.
Our sessions are done in a safe environment with falls prevention practices in place, with therapists using real-time data from the exoskeletons to meticulously craft a personalised training session.
Neurological physiotherapy targets neuroplasticity. Neuroplasticity is the ability of neural networks in the brain to change and adapt through experience, growth, and re-organization.
Treatments for people living with Cerebral Palsy are focused on improving motor control, balance and coordination.
We offer remote consultations with our therapists for those wishing to explore what training at RoboFit can do for them.
We offer a free 30 minute weekly group telehealth session that anyone can join and do from their home.
Contact our team to join these sessions.
Working alongside RoboFit are a team of multidisciplinary partners who are passionate about helping people with a spinal cord injury to achieve their goals.
Where our team doesn’t have the right fit of skills for what you need we will try to help you find the right help.