Experience the fusion of human and machine
HAL (Hybrid Assistive Limb), developed in Japan by Cyberdyne, is the world’s first neuro controlled exoskeleton, primarily used to train, support and enhance the wearer’s strength. This ultimately improves the wearer’s independence and quality of life.
Using electrodes, HAL reads the wearer’s bioelectric signals, interpreting the wearer’s movement intention and working with them to complete movements. This program encourages the development of new neural pathways, improving motor and sensory function in some cases.
This might sound complex, but RoboFit’s certified staff have a deep understanding of the technology and know how to use the technology to personalise each session to the wearer’s capabilities and goals.
HAL is the embodiment of modern cybernetics: moving with the wearer, rather than for the wearer.
Who is HAL for?
HAL is primarily designed to rehabilitate individuals currently living with neurological and musculoskeletal conditions such as Stroke, Multiple Sclerosis or Spinal Cord Injury.
How moving with hal works
The exoskeleton used to remap neural pathways
Wearing the HAL exoskeleton leads to a fusion of “man”, “robot” and “information”. HAL assists a physically challenged person to move, enabling him or her to perform more motions and exert more strength than previously possible.
HAL therapy is an intensive program that aims to maximise your recovery potential and promote neuroplasticity, ultimately improving your quality of life and independence.

In accordance with the recognised motions, HAL distributes power to the exoskeleton, providing the wearer with the required assistance to complete the action as normal.
Three modes of HAL
Gives assistance based on BES read through electrodes connected to HAL and driven by the wearer.
Biases the assistance torques so as to better support standing up from a seated posture, or to better support the maintaining of a standing posture. Gives upward assistance torque to support a gentle sit-down motion.
WALK 1-5
Gives assistance based on BES. Estimates whether each leg is in the swing phase or the support phase, based on the plantar force detected from each sensor shoe. Adjusts assistance torque so as
to avoid knee buckling of the supporting leg and assists an easier forward swing of the swinging leg.
Uses pre programmed gait patterns built into HAL, triggered through a shift in the Centre of Gravity.
Autonomously assists a standing up motion from a sitting posture and painting of a standing posture.
WALK 1-5
Estimates whether each leg is in the swing phase or the support phase based on plantar force detected from each sensor shoe. Provides autonomous assistance to each motion.
Exerts torque to compensate for frictional
resistance and other forces.
Other assistive Technology
HAL [Hybrid Assistive Limb] is the world‘s first cyborg-type robot, by which a wearer‘s bodily functions can be improved, supported and enhanced.
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